Our's is a website of Knowledge, Spiritual Knowledge, Grail Knowledge, Knowledge based on the
Grail Message, "In the Light of Truth" (Volumes 1, 2 & 3) by Abd-ru-shin, a Messenger of God
(Revelation 14, 6 - 7), Whose Teaching agrees completely with the true Teachings of Jesus and
the Prophets of Old.
Please note that the Grail Message is not an occultic Teaching, but is rather
a deeper Interpretation of the Word of God which became necessary for our modern (end-time) world
now going through a Last Judgement that is to last for centuries (2 Peter 3, 7 -8), in preparation for
the take-off of the promised Kingdom of God on earth (Revelation 11, 15 - 18) billed to commence after
the said last Judgement.